JERAGM is a joint venture between Japan's JERA Co., Inc. and EDF Trading. Both JERAGM and JERA Co. typically purchase spot or short-term volumes on a bilateral basis. Sources said JERAGM had been active in the pre-winter market buying a string of September deliveries due to warmer temperatures in Japan and low spot prices.
Eco-Tec Asia (Beijing) Co., Ltd | 164 followers on LinkedIn | Eco-Tec Asia Pte Ltd was founded in Singapore in 2004 to develop and manage Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, trade in carbon assets and offer other professional services for clean energy projects. Its expertise has attracted a number of reputable clients, among them EDF Trading Ltd, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank 煤炭开采加工_第9页_财经_同花顺财经 上周北方部分地区出现大雪天气,导致部分产地供应偏紧,产地价格维持强势。 从钢联公布的数据来看, 2019年1-11月陕西规上原煤产量5.7亿吨 首次实现增长 01月08日 15:16 陕西省统计局消息,2019年11月份,陕西省规模以上工业原煤产量6067.58万吨,同比增长7.4% 欧洲碳交易中间商参与碳交易市场的经验分析 - 道客巴巴
Russell 股票指数 信用指数 实时价格和屏幕 Citadel Derivatives Trading Ltd Citadel Equity Fund Ltd Citigroup Global Markets Ltd E.On Energy Trading SE E&T Energie Handelsellschaft M. B. H. EDF Trading Ltd EDP –Energias de Portugal SA EGL AG EGL Energia Iberia SL Electrabel SA Endesa Generacion SA Energa-Obrót SA 关注指数_中国国际海运网 - ShippingChina 期租. Alpha Prudence (建于2008年, 177,000 载重吨, 满载航行时航速14.5节, 耗油61吨,压载航行时航速15节,耗油61吨) 6月13-15日锡尼什(Sines,葡萄牙)交船,鹿特丹还船,租金为103,000美元/天. Japan's 10 major utilities used 27.45 mil mt of LNG in Apr ... Japan s 10 major utilities consumed 27.45 million mt of LNG in the six months to end September, up 1.2% from a year earlier, while coal use slipped 0.8% year-on-year to 28.68 million mt, the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan said Friday.
start trading today - Chinese translation – Linguee
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Eco-Tec Asia (Beijing) Co., Ltd | LinkedIn
一、中美贸易战一触即发,全球市场对风险重定价北京时间3月23日凌晨,特朗普宣布对中国"301调查"结果。"301"调查是美国总统特朗普在2017年8月发起的,在涉及技术转让、知识产权和创新领域开展的一项特别调查。本次签署 Many translated example sentences containing "start trading today" - Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
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